Our educators work collaboratively. We share knowledge and expertise to determine the extent to which all children are progressing toward realising their learning outcomes and if not, what might be impeding their progress.
Educators can reflect on pedagogy that will suit this context and the children. This is why play is one of the foundations of the Early Years Learning Framework. By using this Framework our educators guide your child’s play by carefully designing learning activities and stimulating indoor and outdoor learning environments. Using the Framework we observe your child’s learning to build on and plan the next steps.
Our educators believe that Children’s learning is ongoing and each child will progress towards the outcomes in different, and equally meaningful, ways. Learning is not always predictable and linear. We will value and build on children’s strengths, skills and knowledge to ensure their motivation and engagement in learning (EYLF). We aim to create an environment of trust and respect, where we work towards achieving a shared goal.
Ongoing education and training is a critical aspect of staff’s professional development. It is through accurate evaluation and assessment, which occurs when we critically reflect on our actions, that we are able to identify areas which may be considered a skill and those which may need further development.