
Home About

Our Child Care Centre is Small, Nurturing, Peaceful & Happy

We are a privately owned, small, purpose-built kindergarten located inside the leafy and tropical Castlevale Complex on the corner of Willoughby Road and Artarmon Road.

We pride ourselves on providing a warm, homely, inclusive environment, where children are encouraged to create, explore, discover and develop their skills at their own pace. We’ve created a real sense of belonging for our children. We play together as a family grouping and only separate for group times.

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Child Safety Statement

At Tree of Life Childcare Centre, the safety, health and wellbeing of every child is our highest priority. We champion and model a child safe culture at all levels of our service. We actively listen to children, uphold their rights and empower them to know and exercise these rights. We involve children and families in decisions that affect them and are committed to equity and inclusion for all, regardless of abilities, gender or social, economic, or cultural background.

We actively promote a culture of child safety through:

Vigilant Supervision

Ensuring that children are always supervised by qualified and caring educators.

Rigorous Staff Training

Providing ongoing training for our staff in child protection, first aid, and emergency response.

Strict Recruitment Practices:

Conducting thorough background checks and screening processes for all staff and volunteers.

Open Communication

Encouraging open and honest communication between children, families, and educators.

Child Safe Policies

Implementing and regularly reviewing comprehensive child safe policies and procedures.

We are dedicated to creating a nurturing and secure environment where every child feels safe, valued, and respected.

Our Program
Our program is guided by the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF).

We take a holistic view of your child and incorporate this to build their self-identity, relationships, health and wellbeing, knowledge and communication skills. 

At our child care centre, we believe that the foundations laid in the early childhood years are crucial to their being, belonging and becoming. We have developed educationally appropriate programs that support the EYLF, while acknowledging the importance of learning through play. 

Our method of play-based learning and interest-based activities helps children to:

  • develop their capabilities
  • builds on their needs
  • challenges their strengths
We see children as unique and capable individuals, who come to us with their own interests, talents, skills, and ideas. As well trained and passionate educators, we value, respect and appreciate this uniqueness.

Children have a right to be active participants in their own learning and must be empowered to express their views and ideas. A child’s opinion must be valued for its validity to their perspective and their autonomy and initiative needs to be respected.

As educators, we will protect and cherish the innocence of children and thus provide a safe and secure environment. As we unpack the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) we’ll work alongside your child to actively promote their learning through worthwhile and challenging experiences and interactions that foster high-level thinking skills.

Our educators work collaboratively.  We share knowledge and expertise to determine the extent to which all children are progressing toward realising their learning outcomes and if not, what might be impeding their progress.  

Educators can reflect on pedagogy that will suit this context and the children. This is why play is one of the foundations of the Early Years Learning Framework. By using this Framework our educators guide your child’s play by carefully designing learning activities and stimulating indoor and outdoor learning environments. Using the Framework we observe your child’s learning to build on and plan the next steps.

Our educators believe that Children’s learning is ongoing and each child will progress towards the outcomes in different, and equally meaningful, ways. Learning is not always predictable and linear.  We will value and build on children’s strengths, skills and knowledge to ensure their motivation and engagement in learning (EYLF). We aim to create an environment of trust and respect, where we work towards achieving a shared goal.

Ongoing education and training is a critical aspect of staff’s professional development. It is through accurate evaluation and assessment, which occurs when we critically reflect on our actions, that we are able to identify areas which may be considered a skill and those which may need further development.

Families are encouraged to become involved with the Centre and we encourage a positive and strong link between home and Tree of Life Early Learning School. 

Furthermore, we rely heavily on our parents to provide suggestions and feedback so we can continue to improve our service and standards.

We keep in touch regularly with families through the use of photos and other documentation to show what their child is learning, how they are developing and what particular learning interests them.

Community Involvement
We believe that Community building is also critical to the teaching and learning experiences within our centre.

Children of all age groups are given the opportunity to be aware of the community within and outside the centre.

Our child care centre plays the important role of a family support service, linking the families to local community services when in need of support.

Children inherit connection to the natural world.

As educators, we understand that children often develop their ideas and understanding of the world around them from the information presented to them by the significant adults in their lives. As a result, we have a responsibility to present a positive approach to the environment.

We also embrace diversity within our Service and the wider community, so that children view this diversity with a sense of appreciation and wonder. Our Service will embrace, celebrate and share traditions and cultures throughout our program.

Our Service caters for different capacities and learning styles and invites children and families to contribute ideas, interests, and questions (EYLF). We believe that Indigenous culture is important. We respect and value Aboriginal culture and promote it in our program

Parent’s Testimonials
The Kells Family
Matilda's parents

Dear Sue, Sofie, Nurcan and Allison, Well, what can I say except a very big and deep-felt thank you for taking care of our beautiful Matilda. You have provided a safe, nurturing, caring, supportive and loving environment over the past 2 ½ years and we truly appreciate it. You have allowed the whole family to connect with Tree of Life and always taken the time to ensure you understood Matilda’s unique situation. We are so sad to be saying goodbye but so very grateful that you have all been a part of her life journey. Hands down the best daycare/preschool ever.

Thomas Jackson
William & Isaac's Dad

Last day at ToL for our boys. It’s been a wonderful journey together. Thanks to all of those who have touched William and Isaacs’ lives. It’s been special and has provided an amazing foundation for them and us. Thanks again.

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